Rated Free Nokia X2 – 01 Apps Free Nokia Games On your phone? Download Free Java Games Jan Jan 21,

Huge selection of free java games for Nokia X Download games and other mobile. Java software free Nokia X2-01 apps download.'. Furthermore, the S40 feature phone entrenchs 42 MB inside memory and micro-SD card slot for memory expansion. Different C3, which features a 2-megapixel camera, the X2 01 sports an upgraded 3-megapixel camera however, as exposed in the close pictures, it needs a flash. Free X2-01 software & applications download. The phone arrives with a TFT (traffic flow template) display with 320x240 pixel resolution, included games, supports for Java MIDP 2.1 apps, USB (universal serial bus) supports, Bluetooth connectivity and included FM tuner. Download applications X2-01, software, apps, program & freeware. It scale 119.4 x 59.8 x 14.3 mm and balances 114g (counting the battery). Software & java application X2-01 Nokia free download. Although the cost of the phone is not definite, we imagine it to be deadened $150-200.

There is already a X2 in the market with a 5MP camera and music playback features and this is alternative replica in the X2 series. Just like the C3 and nearly all of the Eseries smart-phones, the X2 01 bunchs a complete QWERTY piano, however administrates on the S40 dais, rather of Symbian.